
BackMay 23, 2017
Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

Re-appointment of Director who was subject to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965

Pursuant to Section 129 of the Companies Act, 1965, Dato' Lim Git Hooi @ Robert Lim, DPMP, JP who is over the age of 70 years, was re-appointed as Director of YNH Property Bhd (YNH) by the shareholders at YNH's 14th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held last year on 30 June 2016, to hold office until the conclusion of YNH's 15th AGM held this year on 23 May 2017. 

With the implementation of the Companies Act 2016 on 31 January 2017, there is no longer an age limit for Directors. 

YNH hereby wishes to announce that the Board of Directors had at its board meeting held on 23 May 2017 before YNH's 15th AGM, approved pursuant to Article 89 of YNH's Articles of Association, that Dato' Lim Git Hooi @ Robert Lim, DPMP, JP be appointed as Director of YNH when his term of office ends at the conclusion of YNH's 15th AGM, in order that he continues in office as Director of YNH,without any lapse of time. 

This announcement is dated 23 May 2017.


Announcement Info

Stock Name YNHPROP
Date Announced 23 May 2017
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-22052017-00004